Morning Juice – US Session Prep
Daily Dose, US

Morning Juice – US Session Prep

Morning, Traders!
It is Thursday the 16th of May, here are some things to look out for today.

Stocks took a respite after surging to all-time highs, with investors looking to Federal Reserve speakers and jobless claims data for additional hints on interest rate policy.

S&P 500 futures were barely changed, as Europe’s benchmark index dipped down.
Treasuries and the currency made little changes.

On the data front, stock-market bulls will be hoping that unemployment claims indicate labour market slack, allowing the Fed to loosen monetary policy. A number of central bank officials are scheduled to speak today as well. Investors anticipate two rate cuts this year, according to futures markets.

08:30 ET
US Weekly Jobless Claims
Initial Claims – Median Forecast: 220K | Prior: 231K | Range: 231K / 210K
Continuing Claim – Median Forecast: 1.78M | Prior: 1.785M | Range: 1.802M / 1.745M

US Housing Starts for April
Median Forecast: 1.42M | Prior: 1.321M | Range: 1.49M / 1.328M

09:15 ET
US Industrial Production for April
Median Forecast: 0.1% | Prior: 0.4% | Range: 0.4% / -0.3%

11:30 ET
US sells $80 bln 4-Week Bills

08:15 ET
ECB’s Villeroy speaks at the IIF conference on sustainable finance.
Event Details & Registration Instructions Here

10:00 ET
Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Barr testifies before the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs during a hearing on oversight of financial regulators.
Both text and Q&A are expected, though the text is likely to be unchanged from yesterday testimony.
Watch Here

Fed’s Barkin Speaks on CNBC

10:30 ET
Fed’s Harker speaks on the economic impact of higher education and healthcare institutions.
Both a text and a Q&A are expected
Registration Closed
Event Details Here

12:00 ET
Fed’s Mester gives remarks on the economic outlook followed by an audience Q&A.
Text is expected
Watch Here

15:50 ET
Fed’s Bostic participates in a moderated conversation about the economic outlook in Jacksonville, Florida.
No text is expected, though there will be a Q&A.
No Livestream Available
Event Details Here

Good luck!