With Pro, Absolutely! You'll receive the data as soon as it's released.

You'll receive Forecasts and Priors for every release, where available, at no extra cost. If you need release ranges, just ask our team, and they'll provide them.

The calendar timezone is linked to your PC timezone and cannot be changed via our website.

Our analysts speak only when there's important news or updates you need to hear; otherwise, it remains silent to help you focus on your trading.

We use a unique AI Voice over to cover the Asia session and over the weekend so you can always be kept in the loop.

Using a squawk saves screen space, allowing you to monitor more charts, listen to the news, and make informed trading decisions.

We utilize a range of major news wires and have access to comprehensive news sources. Regrettably, we cannot disclose the exact source unless it's publicly accessible news.

The headline time indicates when the news was reported, allowing you to track market movements and identify correlations. The timezone is synchronized with your PC's timezone and can only be adjusted through your operating system.

The News Desk can be contacted Monday - Friday between 2 AM - 5 PM EST.

Absolutely!, We are here to help with any inquiry or issue you may be facing.

Absolutely, our team can answer any questions you may have regarding the products.

The speed depends on their RSS feed, as this is where we gather them from. Typically, they're not real-time.

We're not affiliated with the external news providers, but most of the educators , trader funding services and blog providers are affiliated with us.

You can find data all the way back from the beginning of FinancialJuice!

No, Unusual Activity is a separate product and is not included in the FinancialJuice PRO subscription.

Absolutely, you'll hear and see momentum as it's taking place.

The alerts are set to your parameters so it's completely dependent on your view around the release. The alerts are there for you to process the data faster so you can make an informed decision.

Absolutely, you'll be alerted as soon as the figure comes out on our calendar.

Yes, there is an app for IOS and andriod. They are still in beta, which means issues can arise frequently.

Unfortunately not at the moment, however it may be something we pursue in the future.

Ad blockers have been known to affect site features, so we recommend they be turned off when using our site.

Tags are used to categorise headlines, and they may appear under specific feeds. All headlines will be displayed in the 'My News' feed if there are no filters placed on the feed. However If a headline isn't showing up on the news feed within 30 seconds after being read by the squawk, refresh the website by pressing CTRL F5. Ad blockers can affect features on the website and we do advise they're tuned off whilst using out site.

If you're pro and still facing this issue, please use the news desk to get it resolved

Depending on your screen resolution, the voice button can disappear. Try going full-screen on the window; if it still doesn't appear, try zooming out until it appears. We also recommend turning off ad blockers as this can affect site features. If there's a software issue, try pressing CTRL F5 to refresh the window; if it still doesn't appear, contact the news desk or [email protected].

In the mean time try an incognito window until the issue has been resolved

Please contact [email protected] with your issue and we will work to rectify it immediately.

The website has been optimized for Google Chrome; however, that being said, other browser will work but issue with the site features can arise.

This is typically a sign that the host has ended the live stream; however, if it has stopped early, we will provide the next suitable video link if available.

No, the free widgets we offer do not give real-time news and data. If you would like to discuss a potential partnership involving real-time versions, please click the button below.

Our Discord channel is completely free and can be accessed by clicking the button below.

If you cannot find the answer to an issue here, please contact the news desk or [email protected].