Morning Juice – Europe Session Prep
Daily Dose, EU

Morning Juice – Europe Session Prep

Good Morning Traders! This Wednesday we get German HICP and CPI.

Here is what to expect for the day.


China’s onshore yuan has plunged to its lowest level since November, indicating that regulators are allowing the currency to fall against a strong dollar.

Australia’s inflation came in quicker than predicted in April, indicating that price pressures remain stubbornly high and boosting the case for the Reserve Bank to retain interest rates at a 12-year high next month.

Seiji Adachi, a Bank of Japan Board Member, recognised that yen weakening might fuel price increases and urge policymakers to consider raising interest rates earlier than planned.

Bank of Japan Board Member Seiji Adachi believes it is critical to maintain easy financial conditions until the bank’s price stability aim is realised, since he cannot declare with certainty that the goal will be met.

Oil prices rose as another attack on a ship in the Red Sea exacerbated geopolitical tensions in the Middle East ahead of a OPEC+ conference.


08:00 ET
German HICP YoY Prelim
Median Forecast 2.7% | Prior 2.4% | Range 2.9%/2.3%

German CPI YoY Prelim
Median Forecast 2.4% | Prior 2.2% | Range 2.7%/2.3%


03:00 ET
ECB’s Villeroy Speaks


Good Luck today, traders!