Daily Dose, EU

Stocks & Euro Weaken as Concerns Over France Increase – Europe Market Wrap

European equities continued to decline on Monday as concerns over the political unrest in France persisted. Prior to the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision on Wednesday and the release of inflation data, US Treasuries saw gains.

Tuesday saw a little decline in the Euro after it had fallen to its lowest point in a month the day before. For the third day in a row, the benchmark stock index saw declines, and 10-year French bonds were trading at their highest yield in relation to comparable German paper since October.

The European Parliament election has left regional markets reeling, as French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a parliamentary vote to stop his far-right adversaries’ ascent. Later this month’s election runs the possibility of turning into the final confrontation over Macron’s signature economic strategies, which have mainly soothed investors since he became office.

With the Fed decision and the most recent monthly print of US consumer prices both due on Wednesday, investors are bracing themselves for the possibility of another turbulent session.