Daily Dose, EU

Morning Juice – Europe Session Prep

Good Morning Traders! This Monday we get Italian HICP.

Here is what to expect for the day.


The Fed’s Bank of Minneapolis President stated that the institution is well-positioned to wait and monitor new data before beginning to lower interest rates.

According to three new polls released in Sunday newspapers, UK PM Sunak’s Conservative Party is expected to suffer a historic defeat in the general election on July 4.

In an attempt to win over moderates and investors, far-right leader Marine Le Pen declared that she would not attempt to unseat President Emmanuel Macron should she win France’s early legislative election.

Despite positive news in the most recent data, the Fed’s Bank of Cleveland President stated that she continues to view inflation risks as leaning to the upside.


3:00 ET
Swiss KOF Economic Forecasts

4:00 ET

Italian HICP Final YoY

Median Forecast: 0.8% | Prior 0.8%

Good Luck today, traders!