Morning Juice – Europe Session Prep
Daily Dose, EU

Morning Juice – Europe Session Prep

Good Morning Traders! This Tuesday we get a quiet session for Europe.

Here is what to expect for the day.


President Emmanuel Macron has stated that the agendas of the far-right and far-left blocs in France’s next parliamentary elections set the country’s people against one another, even claiming that “extreme” groups may trigger a “civil war.”

Japan is actively monitoring the foreign exchange market and would respond properly to any excessive movements, according to the government’s senior spokesperson, Yoshimasa Hayashi, at a regular news conference.

Australia’s consumers remained pessimistic in June, suggesting worries that sustained inflation might drive the Reserve Bank to raise interest rates again.

Mary Daly, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, urged that firms in her area should invite remote workers back to the office to assist revitalise the local economy.

The Federal Reserve has handed other US regulators a three-page paper describing prospective adjustments to its bank-capital revamp that would considerably reduce the burden on Wall Street lenders, according to people familiar with the subject.


05:00 ET
ECB’s Stournaras Speaks

07:00 ET
Fed’s Bowman Speaks

Good Luck today, traders!