Morning Juice – US Session Prep
Daily Dose, US

Morning Juice – US Session Prep

Morning, Traders!
It is Thursday the 23rd of May, here are some things to look out for today.

Global stocks rallied, and Wall Street appeared to set a new record high after Nvidia reported blowout earnings, reinforcing the belief that the global artificial-intelligence boom will continue to drive equity markets.
Nvidia shares rose 7% in New York premarket trading after exceeding expectations with its results and sales forecast, adding to its year-to-date rally of more than 90%.

The euro rose after data showed that private-sector activity in Germany and the eurozone exceeded economists’ expectations, while the pound fell after similar data for the UK disappointed.
The dollar fell against all of its Group-of-10 peers, and US Treasury yields fell slightly.

08:30 ET
US Weekly Jobless Claims
Initial Claims – Median Forecast: 220K | Prior: 222K | Range: 245K / 215K
Continued Claims – Median Forecast: 1.791M | Prior: 1.794M | Range: 1.803M / 1.75M

09:45 ET
US S&P May Prelim PMIs
Manufacturing – Median Forecast: 49.9 | Prior: 50 | Range: 51 / 48.5
Services – Median Forecast: 51.2 | Prior: 51.3 | 51.6 / 50.4

10:00 ET
US New Home Sales for April
Median Forecast: 0.679M | Prior: 0.693M | Range: 0.734M / 0.625M

Eurozone Consumer Confidence May Prelim
Median Forecast: -14.2 | Prior: -14.7 | Range: -13.1 / -15

11:30 ET
US sells $80 bln 4-Week Bills

13:00 ET
US sells $16 bln 10-Year TIPS

09:45 ET
ECB’s Villeroy speaks at VivaTech forum in Paris
Event Details & Stream Here

15:00 ET
Fed’s Bostic participates in a Q&A session with an MBA class at Stanford.
No text is expected. There is a Q&A
Event Details Here

Good luck!