Get our headlines straight to your Discord server!

We now have the ability to send our headlines straight to a Discord server of your choosing! on the right is a video example of our own Discord which can be replicated for yours.

It's absolutely free to access, Below are the steps you'll need to take so we can get you setup.

Step 1

Within your server, we'd recommend making a new channel purely for the bot to post headlines to.

Step 2

Click the settings icon on your channel, and then click the tab in settings titled 'integrations'.

Step 3

Once in integrations, click the webhook box and create a new webhook.

Step 4

Click on the new webhook that you have just created to change it's name and also to check that it's associated with the channel you'd like our headlines to appear in.

Step 5

Once you have checked that the channel is correct, click on the button 'copy webhook URL'.

Step 6

To submit your webhook to us, please click the pop-up that appears on this page. Please submit your webhook URL and your contact email. If you have any issues, please contact [email protected]

NOTE: The channel should populate in no longer than 48 hours, if it hasn't populated in this time please contact support.